Friday, July 6, 2007

Inspection - check! Concrete - check!

Monday night was a very satisfying night as we put in the final rebar and got everything ready for our inspection on Tuesday. We really wanted to be there for the inspection, but the inspector never returned any calls to say when he was coming, convincing us that the city had scammed us and we'd have to wait another two days before we could do anything. On a whim, though, Craig stopped by the house and sure enough, there was the inspection approval taped to a piece of lumber. So far so good! Then yesterday morning, also kind of on a whim, Craig called the concrete company to see if they had any cancellations and could deliver our concrete and amazingly enough they did and sent a truck over around 2:30pm. I think our house made the driver's day. He rolled up with a "I'd rather be golfing" sign around his license plate and continued to chuckle at us the whole time we worked our butts off to pour and smooth the concrete. The truck in the picture is exactly like the one that pulled on to our front lawn. Putting in the concrete was tough work. It didn't look at all how I expected, it had huge rocks in it and was not that easy to spread (imagine that right?). Anyway, the flat fee for the concrete delivery included 40 mins to unload the truck. It took us about 2 hours so we ended up with tons of overtime fees but at least with the satisfaction of having that part done. I wish we had some action shots, but I didn't want concrete all over the camera and it was a little too intense to take a 'camera break.' So here are some after shots. After I took these we went to happy hour at a local bar -- and were very happy. Today is Craig's 25th birthday and I wish I could buy him some laborers but they're too expensive. He may have to settle with an ice cream cone instead.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.